How Does Video Learning Help People With Learning Disabilities?

How Does Video Learning Help People With Learning Disabilities?

Jun 19, 2023

In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of video learning, as well as how to choose and use video learning resources effectively. We will also provide examples of how video learning is being used to help people with learning disabilities succeed in school, at work, and in their personal lives.

What is a learning disability?

A learning disability (LD) is a neurological disorder that can affect people’s ability to learn, process, store, and recall information and is a lifelong condition. Having an LD can have an impact on reading, writing, speaking, and understanding language as well. People with a learning disability may have difficulty in one or multiple areas of learning, but they are still capable of learning and succeeding in their careers and day-to-day life.

How common are learning disabilities in the UK?

Different types of learning disabilities can vary in severity, and a wide spectrum of difficulties and strengths can differ from person to person. It is crucial to recognize that each individual with a learning disability is distinct, facing their own unique challenges and abilities. While some individuals with learning disabilities can lead independent lives, holding jobs and starting families, others may require ongoing care and assistance throughout their lives.

Also, some people with learning difficulties may have other problems or illnesses that make it harder for them to talk or do things by themselves.

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How many people have a learning disability?

According to Mencap, a charity that supports people with learning disabilities, there are 1.5 million people with a learning disability in the UK. This is based on learning disability prevalence rates from Public Health England and population data from the Office for National Statistics. 

What are some types of learning disabilities?

Learning disabilities can come in many forms, and each individual’s disability is unique. Some of the most common learning disabilities include dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and language-processing disorders.

Here is a list of some learning disabilities below:

  • Dyslexia - This learning disability affects how an individual understands the formation of words. This can include speech, reading and writing and individuals with dyslexia may have difficulty with grammar, spelling and reading comprehension. According to the NHS, 1 in every 10 people in the UK has some degree of dyslexia.

  • Dysgraphia - People with this learning disability have trouble with their handwriting such as spatial awareness, motor planning and spacing.

  • Dyscalculia - This condition affects the ability to acquire mathematical skills. It can cause difficulties with understanding numbers, learning how to calculate, and applying math facts. People with dyscalculia may also have poor spatial awareness or have trouble telling time. Dyscalculia can co-occur with other learning difficulties, anxiety with mathematics or medical conditions and even after head trauma.

  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - This disorder can occur differently amongst different individuals and some cases may be more severe than others. ADD and ADHD are brain-based conditions that affect how well a person can focus, plan, organise, and follow through on tasks. People with ADD or ADHD may struggle with staying on track, remembering things, controlling impulses, staying still, or calming down. They may also have trouble with social and emotional skills.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - This is a condition that affects how a person relates to others and the world around them. People with ASD may have trouble with talking and listening, reading and expressing emotions, making and keeping friends, and coping with change. They may also have narrow or repetitive patterns of behaviour and interest.

  • Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) - Auditory processing disorder (APD) is where an individual has difficulty understanding sounds, including spoken words.

  • Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) - Sometimes referred to as Specific Language Impairment (SLI), research suggests that DLD is caused by genetic and environmental factors. Individuals with SLI have difficulties with speaking and/or understanding language that affect their academic and social functioning.

Learning disabilities in adults

There are many assessments that can be applied to diagnose learning disabilities in adults. If you think that you have a learning disability, or know someone that may have one, it is important to speak to a professional to better understand the learning needs.

Common signs and examples of learning difficulties:

  • Reading - difficulty decoding words, understanding what they read, or spelling.

  • Writing - difficulty organising thoughts, expressing ideas clearly, or spelling.

  • Mathematics - difficulty understanding math concepts, performing calculations, or following directions.

  • Memory - difficulty remembering information, following instructions, or staying organised.

  • Attention - difficulty paying attention, staying focused, or controlling impulsive behaviours.

Learning disabilities in children

Learning disabilities can be detected by different types of evaluations. Young people with learning disabilities can overcome their challenges and achieve their potential with the right help. Some children may need special education or extra support services which are tailored to their needs and requirements for them to exceed socially or educationally.

How can video be used to help people with learning disabilities?

Using video for learning is a versatile and effective tool that can be used to help people with learning disabilities in a variety of ways:

  1. Visual Representation: Videos can present information in a visual format, which can be particularly helpful for individuals who have difficulty processing or comprehending text-based information. Visual cues, graphics, animations, and demonstrations can enhance understanding and retention of information.

  2. Multisensory Learning: Videos engage multiple senses simultaneously, combining visual and auditory elements. This multisensory approach can benefit individuals with learning disabilities by providing different channels for processing information, making it easier to grasp and remember concepts.

  3. Step-by-Step Instruction: Video training can break down complex tasks or processes into smaller, manageable steps. This sequential presentation allows learners to follow along at their own pace and review specific steps as needed, promoting better comprehension and skill development.

  4. Pace and Repetition: Video training offers the flexibility to pause, rewind, and replay content as necessary. Individuals with learning disabilities may require additional time to process information or may benefit from repeated exposure to reinforce learning. Videos can accommodate these needs by allowing learners to control the pace and repetition of the training.

  5. Accessibility Features: Videos can incorporate accessibility features, such as closed captions or subtitles, which benefit individuals with hearing impairments or those who benefit from visual reinforcement. Additionally, transcripts or text versions of video content can be provided to accommodate learners who prefer reading or have specific learning needs.

  6. Engagement and Motivation: Well-designed videos with engaging visuals, interactive elements, or gamified components can increase motivation and interest in the learning process. By making the training material more engaging and enjoyable, individuals with learning disabilities may be more motivated to participate and persist in their learning efforts.

According to Mencap, video learning is an effective form of learning that uses videos to deliver content, demonstrate skills, or facilitate interactions. Video learning can have many benefits for people with learning disabilities, such as improving their motivation, engagement, comprehension, and retaining information.

How can you support people with learning disabilities and video creation in a work or learning environment?

When creating or choosing videos to use with people with learning disabilities, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The level of the learner - Videos should be tailored to the specific needs of the learner. For example, a video for a student with a mild learning disability may be different from a video for a student with a severe learning disability.

  • The format of the video - Videos can be presented in a variety of formats, including live-action, animation, and stop-motion. The format of the video should be chosen based on the learning style of the learner.

  • The content of the video - Videos should be accurate and up-to-date. They should also be free of stereotypes and bias.

Steps to creating video content that will be digested and remembered

Creating video content for people with learning difficulties can be a rewarding and challenging task. Reasonable adjustments may need to be made to ensure that videos are suitable for the specific type and severity of the individual learning disability. 

  • Use simple language and clear visuals - it is important to simplify and break down complex ideas to make them more approachable. Use words and sentences that are easy and clear and avoid using slang words. Use pictures, cartoons, drawings or signs to show what you mean and make it easier to remember. Use colours that are very different from each other. This can help people who do not see well to see the words and pictures on your page. It may also help to consistently use the same layout for your page as this will help people to find the information they want more quickly and process the information better.

  • Involve people with learning difficulties in the production process - People with learning difficulties are the best experts on their own needs and preferences. You can ask them for feedback, suggestions, or ideas on how to make your video more accessible and engaging. You can also invite them to participate in the video as actors, narrators or co-creators.

  • Provide captions, transcripts, and audio descriptions - Different people like different ways of getting information. Some people like to read, some people like to listen, and some people like both. Captions and transcripts are words that you can see on the screen or on paper. They can help people who cannot hear well or who find it hard to understand spoken words. Audio descriptions are words that you can hear that tell you what is going on in the video. They can help people who cannot see well or who like to hear more details. Use a font that is easy to see and read. Do not use fonts that are too small, too big, or look strange.

  • Be respectful and inclusive - Focus on their strengths, abilities, and achievements rather than their challenges or limitations. Celebrate their diversity and individuality.

  • Test your content with people with learning difficulties - This will help you to identify any areas that need improvement.


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The effectiveness of video learning research

There have been numerous studies that have been carried out that support video learning for people with learning disabilities. Video learning can help them in various ways, depending on their needs and preferences.

Cihak and others (2015) say that video-based instruction is a way of teaching that uses videos to help students learn different things. It can help teachers teach students with LD in different ways. One type of video-based instruction is video modelling. Video modelling describes the action of showing students a video of someone carrying out an activity and then letting them try to mirror the actions.

Video modelling is a learning strategy that has been used for many years and has shown to work well for students with disabilities, especially for those with autism.

Overall, their findings showed moderate to very large improvements in students’ academic skills and social behaviors from video modelling. [1]

NHS studies have suggested that video learning can improve the outcomes and satisfaction of people with learning disabilities in various settings, such as education, health care, and employment. [2]

How can Mosaic Workhouse help?

Mosaic Workhouse uses engaging visuals paired with a story that keeps employees engaged and energised throughout the training. We do so during live training and workshops, whether they are in person or conducted remotely online, and through effective videos and communication tools. 

Live training or workshops:  We design gamified workshops to break barriers, engage your teams, and liberate creativity. 

By incorporating game elements and mechanics into the learning experience, gamification can enhance engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes. Here are several ways gamification can benefit people with learning disabilities:

  1. Increased Engagement: The use of interactive elements, challenges, and rewards makes the learning experience more enjoyable and compelling. For individuals with learning disabilities who may struggle with attention or motivation, gamification can provide the extra engagement needed to sustain their interest and focus.

  2. Immediate Feedback: Gamification often provides immediate feedback on learners' progress and performance. This feedback helps individuals with learning disabilities understand their strengths and areas for improvement in real time.

  3. Skill Development and Practice: Gamified training can provide repetitive practice opportunities, interactive simulations, and scenarios that allow individuals to apply their knowledge and practice problem-solving in a low-stakes setting. This repetitive practice can be particularly beneficial for learners with learning disabilities who may require additional reinforcement to master concepts or skills.

  4. Goal Orientation: Gamification introduces clear goals, objectives, and milestones that learners can strive to achieve. For individuals with learning disabilities, this goal orientation can provide a sense of purpose and direction throughout the training process.

  5. Breakdown of Complex Concepts: Through interactive visuals, storytelling, and gamified mechanics, complex ideas can be broken down into smaller, more manageable components. This approach can support individuals with learning disabilities by presenting information in a more structured and comprehensible format.

  6. Safe Learning Environment: Gamification creates a low-pressure, non-judgmental learning environment where individuals with learning disabilities can experiment, make mistakes, and learn from them without fear of negative consequences. 

We also systematically use graphic facilitation during our live workshops and training. An expert illustrator creates visual representations of the discussions and information being shared in real-time. The combination of face-to-face interactions and discussions and powerful visuals are beneficial for all employees, but they are particularly useful for employees with learning disabilities. The use of visuals, symbols, and diagrams to represent information makes for a guiding and simple style and helps individuals with learning disabilities to grasp key concepts and see the connections between different elements.

Video training and courses: Mosaic Workhouse provides a wide range of high-quality video services to create exactly what you envision for your training video or online course. The power of video to communicate is undeniable, and when you choose Mosaic Workhouse, you can be assured that the video production process will be handled with the utmost professionalism. We can help you tailor long and short films, webinars, social interaction examples, concise informational videos, and much, much more. Whatever you envision or require, to be able to teach people with learning disabilities or convey important messages, we can help you.

Speak to Mosaic Workhouse and we can discuss your needs and tailor a new video production solution for you and your team members!


Boon, R.T. et al. (2020) ‘Video Modeling Interventions for Students With  Learning Disabilities: A Systematic Review’, Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 18. Doi:

NHS (2022) NHS Digital publishes statistics on the health and care of people with learning disabilities: statistical press release, NHS choices. Available at: (Accessed: 06 June 2023).